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2015 Mid-Autumn Festival

Publication date :2015-09-29 14:43

Author:Rocket Electronics

Views :8551


        14:30-16:00 on September 25 in the afternoon, in the BR. basketball field and multi function hall held to celebrate Mid Autumn Festival greet National Day garden party, the garden will be a total of 10 small game in addition to cash draw link, colleagues are actively involved in and access to a variety of small gifts, everyone in the process of playing relax, won the joy won the gift. Company as far as possible to make employees feel the joy of the festival, but also wish employees can have a Happy Mid Autumn Festival and national day.
        The garden will be the company a total of support, personally for the staff to draw, and Chairman Li of Labor Union together out of the more than 20 lucky, and sent their cash in red envelopes, the garden will be achieved complete success.
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