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Zhangcha street running

Publication date :2015-02-07 19:16

Author:Rocket Electronics

Views :13095

On September 28th, to welcome the coming of National Day and responded to Zhangcha Street Office's call about National Fitness, Blue Rocket organized a runner team with more than 30 employees to join the action with the theme of "long-distance running of a thousand people for welcoming the National Day".

The action attracted over 3,000 staffs from organs, public institutions, village committees, enterprises, industry zones, schools in Zhangcha and formed over 40 square teams.


海宁市| 咸宁市| 河源市| 冷水江市| 靖宇县| 卫辉市| 吴川市| 福贡县| 郴州市| 饶平县| 西林县| 平阴县| 利津县| 建始县| 遂平县| 图们市| 襄垣县| 策勒县| 四子王旗| 德阳市| 北海市| 安义县| 廊坊市| 蒙城县| 晴隆县| 凌海市| 濉溪县| 宁波市| 霍城县| 天柱县| 崇文区| 伊吾县| 永康市| 汤原县| 晋城| 镇巴县| 慈利县| 南汇区| 银川市| 临西县| 永春县|