


Domestic professional research and development manufacturer of semiconductor devices

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NPN 333 60 20 12 2 - - - 10 30 30 300 6000* SOT-23
NPN 350 600 60 30 5 1.6 500 50 10 150 100 300 250 SOT-23
NPN 350 600 75 40 6 1 500 50 1K 2A 150 100 300 300 SOT-23
NPN 350 600 75 40 6 1 500 50 1K 2A 150 100 300 300 SOT-23
NPN 350 600 60 40 6 0.75 500 50 1K 2A 150 100 300 250 SOT-23
NPN 350 100 30 25 4.5 0.5 10 1 5 0.1 400 1200 50 SOT-23
NPN 300 600 180 160 6 0.3 50 5 5 10 50 400 50 SOT-23
NPN 300 600 180 160 6 0.3 50 5 5 10 50 400 50 SOT-23
NPN 300 500 60 60 4 0.25 100 10 1 100 100 300 100 SOT-23
NPN 300 500 80 80 4 0.25 100 10 1 100 100 300 100 SOT-23
NPN 225 300 30 30 10 1.5 100 0.1 5 10 5000 - 125 SOT-23
NPN 350 500 300 300 6 0.5 20 2 10 10 40 - 50 SOT-23
NPN 350 300 500 400 6 0.75 50 5 10 10 50 200 - SOT-23
NPN 225 50 30 25 3 0.5 4 0.4 10 4 60 - 650 SOT-23
NPN 300 1000 40 40 5 0.5 1000 100 1K 2A 500 300 900 150 SOT-23
NPN 400 1000 80 60 5 0.11 100 1 5 500 200 - 150 SOT-23
NPN 300 2000 20 20 5 0.1 500 50 2 500 220 450 100 SOT-23
NPN 300 2000 50 50 5 0.08 500 50 2 500 300 - 100 SOT-23
NPN 500 200 40 15 4.5 0.25 10 1 1 10 40 200 500 SOT-23
NPN 200 800 40 25 6 0.5 500 50 1 100 85 300 100 SOT-23
Total: 960 Page 5/48 Prev Next 12345 Next 5 Last
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